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Uniclic Vinyl Cutting Knife


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If you wish to purchase this product, please call 01752 581507 as we will need to verify your age to allow this item to be sold. The Quick-Step Vinyl Vinyl Cutting Knife is made to be used to cut vinyl flooring to fit the space you need. This knife has concave rigid blades wh... Read More

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If you wish to purchase this product, please call 01752 581507 as we will need to verify your age to allow this item to be sold.

The Quick-Step Vinyl Vinyl Cutting Knife is made to be used to cut vinyl flooring to fit the space you need. This knife has concave rigid blades which allow for defined and solid cuts which make it a necessity when installing vinyl flooring.

This knife is most effective when used with the Uniclic Vinyl Installation Tool.

Features & Benefits

  • Suitable for vinyl flooring
  • Easy to use
  • Scratch resistant

Product specifications

Blades: 10 Refill Blades

Weight: 0.5kg

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Uniclic Vinyl Cutting Knife

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