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DISCON-Mapei Ultracolor Plus Wall & Floor Grout - 5kg


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This Mapei Ultracolor Plus Wall and Floor Grout dries with flexibility and sets quickly. The polymer modified anti-efflorescence grout is appropriate for joints that are 2mm to 20mm in width. With a large range of favourable colours for purchase, you can use this product for i... Read More

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This Mapei Ultracolor Plus Wall and Floor Grout dries with flexibility and sets quickly. The polymer modified anti-efflorescence grout is appropriate for joints that are 2mm to 20mm in width. With a large range of favourable colours for purchase, you can use this product for interior and exterior use.

Versatile, this product is compatible with the grouting of floors and walls to a selection of materials. This includes terracotta; both double-fired and single-fired, clinker, and porcelain ceramics; different stone materials including natural, granite, agglomerates and marble; as well as glass and marble mosaic. Different colour grouts obtain different designs, all of which are satisfying and appealing.

Features & Benefits: DISCON-Mapei Ultracolor Plus Wall & Floor Grout - 5kg

  • For both DIYers and professionals
  • Vast colour range available for various applications
  • Flexible and quick setting
  • 10-year guarantee
  • Provides flawless and tidy finishes
  • Both water and mould resistant with BioBlock® and DropEffect®
  • After around three hours, floors will withstand light foot traffic

Ultracolor Plus Wall and Floor Grout is equipped with beneficial properties, such as water repellence and mould resistance thanks to DropEffect® and BioBlock®. This can, in turn, increase lifespan and enhance applications.

You can use this product in various applications, such as high-traffic and residential areas, and balconies, terraces and swimming pools.

Standards & Certification

  • Class CG2WA according to EN 13888


Colour Anthracite
Cement Grey
Manhattan Grey
Silver Grey
Weight 5kg Range Ultracolor


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DISCON-Mapei Ultracolor Plus Wall & Floor Grout - 5kg

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